Monday, April 1, 2013

Nurture Spirit Product Feature

We at Nurture Spirit revere the seasons.... each one has something special to provide.  It is in that spirit that we feature a product from the Nurture Spirit store each season!  A product feature provides detailed information regarding the chosen item, as well as a special sale price.

Spring's featured product is... Nurture Spirit Intention Bag!

Increase Intuition
w/ Labradorite, Mugwort herbs,
and Wild Rosemary Essential Oil

What is an “Intention Bag” ?
Intention bags are basically kits.  They provide you with specially chosen stones, herbs and oils that all carry the same metaphysical properties to give you a powerful grouping of items from wholly naturally sources that you can use in various ways to help reach the intended purpose.  For example, the above featured photo for the "Increase Intuition" bag combines Labradorite, Mugwort and Wild Rosemary.  All of these items stimulate the 3rd eye Chakra, opening the channel to your inner wisdom and allowing you to fine tune your intuition skills.

Who can use an Intention Bag?
Anyone can!  These are especially perfect for people who are interested in working with stones, herbs and oils but don’t know quite where to start, but whether you’re are new to working with stones, oils and herbs or a seasoned practitioner, an Intention Bag gives you a nice combination specific to the intended purpose, with very high quality organic herbs and undiluted 100% Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil.

Speaking of materials, where do you get yours from?
I have been using herbs, oils and stones for a while and over time have honed in on suppliers that I trust and love!  The herbs come from a US company who grows their own in a wholly organic and sustainable manner.  The oils come from a US company who have strict guidelines their selected distillers must follow; plants used to create the oils are typically wild-crafted, but where that isn’t feasible they are organically grown in a sustainable manner.  Each company values our Earth highly and does their part practicing Eco-Conscious ways!

Rough Labradorite Stone

What can I do with an Intention Bag?
The possibilities are numerous; it is really up to you!  But I do provide suggestions on what you can do with each particular bag.  At the very least, all bags can be put together and used as sachets that you keep with you, sleep with, or just place in a sacred/special space.  But I would get creative with it!  You can even amass your own charms or trinkets to include in the bag, giving it that much more personalization to You.

As a Nurture Spirit Product Feature, all bags are now 20% off! 
Price reflected on Etsy listing is the discounted price.
Feature Price in effect through the Spring Season! 

Click here to purchase: 

Rough Amethyst Stones from the
Meditation Aid
Nurture Spirit Intention Bag

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